Monday, September 2, 2019

Ideal family Essay

CHAPTER ONE THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The institution of family is a basic unit in the society, and the multi functions performed by it make it a much-needed institution in a society. Some of the important functions performed by the family include reproduction of new members and socializing them, and provision of emotional and physical care for older persons and young. Family in fact, is an institution which resolves or eases a large number of social problems. The term family had been defined by various sociologists and anthropologists. Peter Murdock, after studying over 250 multi-cultural societies defines family as a â€Å"social group characterized by common residence, economic co-operation and reproduction. Interconnectedness of individuals in family relationships through bonds of affection and/or obligation leads to joint decision making, budget – pooling, cooperative work roles and noble parenting within a framework of culturally accepted notions about the division of rights and responsibilities by sex and generational position. There are two main family types introduced by the sociologists. One is the nuclear family, which consists of two elders and their children. It is often referred to as the â€Å"immediate family†. Extended family is the other type. It consists of an old system of family performances with the close connections of two or three generations of relations, such as grandparents, husbands of sisters and wives of brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. According to Adoms, as families move from being extended to being more isolated, nuclear and privatized the relationship between wives and husbands tend to become more equal, with both partners working and sharing household tasks. Such a family is defined as â€Å"the symmetrical family†. From this, I have decided to research on IDEAL FAMILY to present what are the trends in having a family. Statement of the Problem The main purpose of this research is to present the plans of the students in having a family of their own along with its responsibilities. Specifically it aims to: Deciding the size of the family varies to its responsibilities. Creating a family corresponds to sacrifices in aspect of their careers. By looking forward – years from now – expect them to having a happy family they want to create. Scope and Delimitation This research covers most are undergraduates of the University of the East. Sixty students will be sharing their opinions and future decisions in starting a family. Significance of the Research The research tries to help the following: The students perceive more of their future about having a family and its responsibilities because it will aspire them to their current situation as a student and for their future. The University of the East – Caloocan achieves one of their main objectives to produce reliable and responsible individual in the future. The professors nourish and enrich their students with values and aspirations on moving forward and every step to take must be anticipated. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Strengthening Fragile Families The rise of fragile families—families that begin when a child is born outside of marriage—is one of the nation’s most vexing social problems. In the first place, these families suffer high poverty rates and poor child outcomes. Even more problematic, the very groups of Americans who traditionally experience poverty, impaired child development, and poor school achievement have the highest rates of non-marital parenthood—thus intensifying the disadvantages faced by these families and extending them into the next generation. Economic Mobility of Families across Generations The study presents that â€Å"Doing better† than one’s parents has long been a key element of the American Dream. Not only can people earn more, but they can move up the ladder compared to others. The story, embedded in our history and our literature, suggests any person can start from humble beginnings and achieves great wealth, or at least reach the middle class. But how are Americans doing today? Are they better off than their own parents were and how much does their eventual success depend on their family background? These questions are answered in this study. Parents working out work For families with children, the employment of parents is vital to address the wellbeing of family members. Increasingly, when we consider parental employment, it is not only fathers’ employment that is of concern, but also mothers’. How parents work out work applies both to those families with two parents in the workforce and those with a single parent working. This facts sheet presents statistical information about trends in parents’ engagement in paid work, examining mothers’ and fathers’ employment patterns. We provide detailed information about jobless families. Further, the ways in which families manage their work and care responsibilities is analysed, through presentation of statistics on their use of child care, paid parental and other leave, and other working arrangements. Family working together: getting the Balance right The National Families Week theme for 2013 draws attention to the sometimes difficult task of achieving balance in our lives. Achieving balance can be helped by working together in our immediate and extended families, as well as with friends, neighbours and the wider community. One of the pressing challenges today is finding the balance between the hours spent in paid work and the time spent with family and friends, in community activities, and looking after our own health and wellbeing. This facts sheet highlights some of the ways in which such time commitments vary over the life course, and how families manage these and other competing demands on their time. Families make all the difference: helping kids to grow and learn This Facts Sheet has been prepared for the 2012 National Families Week, with this year’s theme being â€Å"Families make all the difference: Helping kids to grow and learn†. It provides a range of information on ways in which families nurture and support children’s physical, learning and social emotional development. Helping children to grow and learn occurs within families in very many ways, from providing a safe and nurturing home environment, through being involved in children’s learning activities at school, home and elsewhere, and giving children the input and direction they need to grow up with the social and emotional capabilities to tackle everyday life. We will explore this here by looking at children’s physical, learning and social-emotional development CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Research setting and respondents The respondents of this study are undergraduates of the University of the East. There are sixty respondents included in the study. Research method The researchers used the descriptive method that is design for the researchers to gather information about presenting existing condition. Therefore, it defines as collection of data in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the status of the subject of the study. The researchers make a survey questionnaire as instrument to gather information needed among the respondents. Data gathering instrument There are one-page survey questionnaire composed with ten questions regarding to the information needed to the study. The questions that gather information about the opinions and expectations in having a family. Family life includes the size, authority, residence, and responsibility. It’s more on an expectations or reference in seeing their life in near future. Data gathering and procedure The researchers formulate questions for the survey questionnaires for the answers needed in the study. The survey questionnaires are hand out to the respondents. Then, the respondents answer the survey questionnaires related to their opinion, knowledge, and future references. The survey questionnaires will be collect for the preparation of the analysis and results. CHAPTER IV PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Quantitative Result The researchers tabulate the data gathered and present the results in graphical form. The respondents’ answers shown in the following figures each have their own interpretation and analysis. Figure 1. Number of respondents planning on having a family From Figure 1, 60 of the respondents plan on having a family said yes and no one said no. Figure 2. Age on having a family From Figure 2, 33 of the respondents said they plan to have a family at age of 20-24 years old, 18 said at age of 25-29 years old, 7 said at age of 30-34 years old, 2 said at age of 35-39 years old, and no one said at age of 40 years old and above. Figure 3. Number of respondents planning on the number of child/children From Figure 3, 15 of the respondents said they plan to have one child, 27 said two children, 11 said three children, 5 said four children, and 2 said five or more children, and no one said they do not plan to have a child. Figure 4. Numbers of respondents are aware of the responsibilities in having children From Figure 4, 60 of the respondents said yes for their awareness of responsibility in having children and no one said no. Figure 5. Location of the residence of their family From Figure 5, 48 of the respondents said they will have their own house for their own family, and 12 said they will reside to their family residence. Figure 6. Head of the household From Figure 6, 32 of the respondents the father will be the head of the household, 7 said the mother, and 21 said both. Figure 7. Number of respondents giving up their career From Figure 7, 45 of the respondents said yes to give up their career in taking care of their family, and 15 said no. Figure 8. Comparing the current family to their ideal family From Figure 8, 43 of the respondents said yes to the similarity of their current family to their ideal family, and 17 said no. Figure 9. Factor that triggers the most in having a family From Figure 9, 18 of the respondents said their age triggers in having a family, 21 said marriage, 15 said stable careers or job, and 6 said other factors. Figure 10. Number of respondents in pursuing their ideal family From Figure 10, 60 of the respondents said yes in pursuing their ideal family, and no one said no. Qualitative Result The researchers analyze the answers of the respondents with accordance to their stated opinions and majority of their answers are related and resulted below. In terms of being the head of the household, it is still in practice that the dominant, which is the man, will be the head of the household. However, the as years go by people change along with their practices that woman gain their status as equal of man. Therefore, equality of authority inside the household is in practice although it only follows to the old tradition. In giving up their career, most of the respondents said yes, because they want to be hands-on in taking care of their children and to forge stronger  bonds of their family. However, those people who said no, they think about on financial terms to support their family needs and stability. In having their ideal family different from their inborn family, due to their family structure of having illegitimate kin, separated parents or no bonds formed at all. Their experiences influence their decisions in their ideal family. CHAPTER V SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION Summary of findings The research study clearly observed that almost all of the students in the University of the East plan on having a family of their own. Most of the respondents are planning on having their own family at their 20’s. Also, all of them are aware of it’s almost a lifetime responsibility and they are preparing to attain such desirable future. Based on family size, most of the respondents plan to have a small family mainly composed of one or two offspring. In a matter of authority in the household, it’s divided into two opinions: the father being the head is the majority followed by being equal of authority both of the mother and the father. Based on the residence most of them plan to have their own home to reside their family to start anew. Conclusion Based on the findings, the researchers conclude the following: The students of the University of the East-Caloocan have plans in having a family life. The students are planning their career to gain stability after graduation. In gaining stability triggers to be married and then a family. Family meaning settling down and forging bonds and fulfillment as a person. In addition, all of them want to have their own children. Because having an offspring is the form of stronger connection and completes the family as a whole. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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